Perhaps you have heard the words: ”Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” The passage is found in the New Testament in Matthew (7:7, NIV). For many people, these words are merely a beautiful text with little or no meaning on a personal level. Yet, during the last years of my own life, this passage has been transformed from a distant possibility to an actual reality. In my interpretation today, I believe the “asking” is not primarily meant to be a wishing for good or better things. Rather, it would refer to ”a yearning for a change of mind and heart”.
Be Still and Know…
For many people, finding time and space for ”stillness” can be difficult in modern everyday life. Yet, being still has many highly valuable benefits for our health and wellbeing, as proven by research. When we still ourselves, by sitting or laying down, closing our eyes, and turning our attention inward, we are able to tune into our bodily sensations and become aware of our thoughts and feelings, and ultimately, listen to our inner voice. People who practice meditation, mindfulness, yoga, or similar forms of centering practice on a regular basis are well acquainted with the calming, deeply relaxing and even healing outcomes of being still…
The Gift of Presence
We are all born with the basic need to feel seen, heard, appreciated and loved. Also, to varying degrees, we all need someone to share our thoughts, feelings, activities and wordly things with. Sharing our feelings with another person is of particular importance, may it be pleasurable ones of joy and love, or painful ones of worry and sadness, or just modest feelings of everyday character. As children, we naturally turn to our parents for expressing our feelings and sharing our daily experiences, and to receive confirmation, appreciation, compassion, love, or support in return. Yet, most parents (naturally) tend to have lots on their mind and are not always able to be fully present with the child…
From Fearful Thinking to Peace of Mind
This is a true story about a conversation between a young boy and his mother. The boy and his family had been downtown for dinner at a restaurant with some relatives. As they sat down in the car to head back home in the evening, the boy seemed anxious and eager to get going as quickly as possible. The mother asked him why he felt anxious, whereupon the boy answered with surprising clarity and self-awareness: ”I want to get home as quickly as possible, because if we get home late, I will fall asleep late, and then I will be tired the next day, and then I will oversleep on Monday morning, and then…”
From pain to insight to healing – a personal story
This is a personal story about my own journey of understanding and healing from a recurring diffuse pain in my lower legs. After some deep inner work (the same as I do for my clients), I realised that the actual root cause was a set of four ”interconnected” subconscious beliefs and certain emotional residues, all of which originated in two stressful events in my childhood. Some ten years ago, I developed a diffuse pain in my lower legs. After a few years with the recurring symptom, I finally decided to do some deep inner work through EFT Tapping…
The Fruits of Suffering
Have you ever wondered why there is so much pain and suffering in the world? Could there be a higher purpose behind human suffering? Why do some people seem to have more pain and suffering in their lives than others? Is human suffering mostly the result of ”bad luck”? Or can it be due to a combination of different factors, where some are influenceable and others not. Could we avoid part of our suffering, or are we, at some higher level, ”predestined” to suffer at certain points in our life?
The higher purposes of pain and suffering
In 2019, filmmaker Anthony Chene produced a beautiful and deeply fascinating film about Reverend Bill McDonald and his three near-death experiences since the age of eight. In particular, Bill shares the events and meaning of his third near-death experience, which happened during an open-heart surgery in his 60s. During his extraordinary NDE, Bill received profound messages about the higher purpose of human pain and suffering, messages that are relevant to us all. The following is an excerpt of Bill’s near-death experience as shared in the film…
Six essential factors for healing
Many persons who have finally healed from a chronic health condition (such as chronic pain, fatigue, PTSD, or cancer) emphasize certain conditions that have been essential to their healing. These conditions can be summarized as: authenticity, joy, freedom, self-empowerment, optimism, and social support. Frances Goodall, co-founder of the Women’s Wellness Circle, describes her own healing journey from Chronic Fatigue. Her full healing finally happened when she ”let her authentic feelings flow”, as she explained. Not only did she let her negative emotions flow, but also she began listening to and fully expressing her positive feelings, including her joy…
”Into Essence” – en unik process för djupgående läkning
Vi bär alla på tusentals omedvetna föreställningar, varav många är begränsande för oss då de endast stödjer ett visst ”uttryck” samtidigt som det motsäger ett annat. Vissa föreställningar kan ha uppstått ur smärtsamma händelser, sk. trauman (ofta under barndomen då vi är som mest oskyddade). Dessa föreställningarna har då uppstått som ett emotionellt skydd för att inte uppleva samma smärtsamma känslor igen. För att befrias från dessa föreställningar (liksom tillhörande symptom) behöver vi en metod som ser till HELA människan. Anna har utvecklat en sådan process, kallad Into Essence…
The Outer Guard Position v.s. The Inner Soul Center
In my coaching, I often tell my clients that we are like a Sphere of Consciousness, with different layers… The OUTER layer of the sphere is where our EGO resides. When we are inside this outer layer, we operate from our Ego-mind. We are like a Point of Awareness that is temporarily located in the outskirts of our own Consciousness. Our Ego-mind functions like a self-proclaimed Guard, guarding its own interests and the survival of the body/flesh against any perceived potential threat in our surroundings.
Hur stress påverkar vår sömn och insomning
Hur vi fungerar under dagen har stor betydelse för vår förmåga att somna och sova djupt. Särskilt stor betydelse på nattsömnen har vår benägenhet att stressa. Visste du att vi enbart med våra tankar kan skapa stress i kroppen? Även en oavsiktlig och omedveten tanke kan generera stressreaktioner i kroppen. En stressande tanke medför vanligtvis även stressande känslor, såsom oro, rädsla, ilska eller skam. Tankarna och känslorna av stress genererar i sin tur olika biologiska stressreaktioner i kroppen…
A woman’s healing journey through trauma and physical pain
This is the true story of Renu Arora, a young British actor, singing coach, and theater director in London, who in 2017 had a traumatic accident that changed the course of her life forever. As the story begins, Renu has just left the grocery story to try to catch a glimpse of her friend further down the street. Standing on the edge of the sidewalk, she didn’t hear the large London bus approaching right behind her. Suddenly, her boot is caught by the bus wheel. In the words of Renu…
Held by a Love bigger than all his pain
This is the true story of Arion Light, an Australian man who tragically lost is wife to cancer about 10 years ago. Recently, Arion shared his deeply moving story before a large audience at the online Embodiment Conference (14 – 25th October, 2020): “[About] ten years ago my life came crumbling down. My beloved wife and mother to our 18 months old boy got diagnosed with cancer. And all my lovely little spiritual paradigms and my world came crumbling down…
When the healer was healed at his own retreat…
Physician Gabor Maté needed to be healed by the Shamans before he could participate at his own retreat. The Shamans also taught him about the importance of taking care of his own well-being and healing his own traumas in order to truly help his clients. Any deep healing, he realized, must address our whole being, i.e. not only our physical body, but our emotional, spiritual, and energetic dimensions too.
Can you stay calm inside a lion’s mouth?
Could you remain calm despite having your full head inside a lion’s mouth, while feeling its teeth around your neck, and knowing that you are completely powerless? Could you feel safe while sitting alone in a cave and feeling the full weight of a lion’s body on yours with no means to defend yourself or escape the situation? Yes, for Fred Donaldson, this was in fact possible! Fred shares his remarkable experiences…
Your traumas may reveal your life purpose
Today, I listened to a fascinating one-hour interview with Itzhak Beery (shamanic teacher, author and speaker) for the Embodiment Conference, an online free conference aired from October 14th to 25th, 2020. According to Beery, when we look closely at the traumas in our life, we will recognize some recurring themes among our traumas. These themes bring us essential messages that can reveal our Soul’s purpose in this lifetime.
Be a wise gardener of your mind
Your mind can be likened to a garden where you plant seeds of beliefs and associated thought patterns. These seeds of beliefs eventually grow into flowers of emotional and physical experiences. Hence, it follows, that some thoughts are like ‘weeds’ that grow into painful emotional and physical experiences, while other seeds of beliefs are like the seeds of beautiful flowers, which eventually become expressions of compassion, peace, joy, beauty, and freedom.
Stress-related physical pain
For the last eight years, I have been deeply interested in the causes and symptoms of stress, particularly physical pain. Stress-induced pain can be experienced in almost any part of the body. Some persons get headaches and migraines, while others get aching arms and legs. Still others experience pain in the neck, shoulder and back, while many have recurring pain in the stomache.
Three types of stress-related symptoms
As individuals, we can react in both unique and partly common ways to long-term stress. While some persons react primarily with psychological symptoms, such as anxiety, irritability, and low patience, others react more physiologically with digestive issues, migraine and body aches, etc.
“My Safe Space” – a meditation to enable deep relaxation
MindShift Coaching has developed a new meditation called “My Safe Space”. It is an exercise intended to bring awareness to any tension in your body and the underlying reasons hereof. Also, this exercise is an opportunity for you to give yourself a moment of deep relaxation. A full body relaxation, in turn, can support profound healing at the physical, mental, emotional and energetic level.
Clearing old limiting beliefs to create new empowering
As children, we are not able to make sense of the world in the way that an adult would; also, our worldview is centered around our Self. Therefore, we inevitably explain any event in terms of our existing understanding of who we are, including our self-worth. In our childhood, we thus adopt a range of beliefs about ourselves and the world. Over time, these beliefs become “self-actualizing”.
Energy – the key to holistic healing
In the future, healing is most likely to happen through multiple and parallel modalities that are holistic by nature and that recognize our body not only as a mechanical system but also as made up of subtle energies (that ”work” through several energy systems). Such new healing modalities already exist, but will be found, explored and applied by more and more people and health centres worldwide.
From disconnection to belonging
We are all wired to feel connected with others and to feel a sense of belonging in the world. This sense of belonging with others also brings joy, love, gratitude and higher meaning to life. However, many people lack this feeling of connectedness with others. What Brené Brown found in her extensive research was that the key to feeling connected with others is to feel worthy of belonging. And, what keeps us from feeling worthy of belonging…
Love and fear go hand in hand
Have you ever wondered why you become particularly anxious and nervous in certain situations? Or, why certain fears keep coming back regardless of how much you try to ignore them, push them away or think positive? A fundamental reason for why our fears keep clinging to us, is simply the fact that they reflect what we love.
Identifying root causes and clearing blockages
In June 1998 I was sitting at a restaurant in Ankara with a curious and somewhat provocative Turkish professor. I was in Turkey for an environmental research project that I had just started as part of my PhD. The subject of my research may seem far away from the work that I am presently pursuing as part of MindShift Coaching. However, in hindsight, the strings and parallels are now fascinatingly clear…