In 2019, filmmaker Anthony Chene produced a beautiful and deeply fascinating film about Reverend Bill McDonald and his three near-death experiences since the age of eight. In particular, Bill shares the events and meaning of his third near-death experience, which happened during an open-heart surgery in his 60s. During his extraordinary NDE, Bill received profound messages about the higher purpose of human pain and suffering, messages that are relevant to us all. The following is an excerpt of Bill’s near-death experience as shared in the film…
A woman’s healing journey through trauma and physical pain
Anna Brismar
This is the true story of Renu Arora, a young British actor, singing coach, and theater director in London, who in 2017 had a traumatic accident that changed the course of her life forever. As the story begins, Renu has just left the grocery story to try to catch a glimpse of her friend further down the street. Standing on the edge of the sidewalk, she didn’t hear the large London bus approaching right behind her. Suddenly, her boot is caught by the bus wheel. In the words of Renu…
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