Ask and it will be given

Perhaps you have heard the words:

Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

The passage is found in the New Testament in Matthew (7:7, NIV). For many people, these words are merely a beautiful text with little or no meaning on a personal level. Perhaps its promise may not even seem realistic, especially if we lack a spiritual or religious life. Even with a belief in a Higher Power, the message may still seem too good to be true. Yet, during the last years of my own life, this passage has been transformed from a distant possibility to an actual reality.

Using “asking” in real life

In my interpretation today, I believe the “asking” is not primarily meant to be a wishing for good or better things. Rather, it would refer to “a yearning for a change of mind and heart”. It may be a need to understand a complex situation; or for guidance on how to act in a difficult situation, or how to relate to another person; or a desire for another emotional state, such as more harmony or courage.

When a difficult situation arises in my life, my natural tendency has always been to call a friend or talk with a parent to ventilate and ask for advice. As an adult, I will also turn to my husband to share my thoughts and feelings, and perhaps receive comfort in a long hug. Over the last years, however, when a challenge comes up, I have begun to also turn within (to God*) for guidance. In many ways, this practice is not farfetched for me, as I do believe in God’s existence and have a sincere interest in spirituality. Yet, before my very first experience of asking God and actually receiving an answer, I didn’t know if it would be possible. Today, having received clear and relevant answers on at least a handful of occasions, I know through personal experience that it is indeed possible for any person. (*Note: Instead of using the word God, you may refer to a “Higher power”, “Source”, “Spirit”, “Higher Self”, “Soul”, “Your body’s inner wisdom”, or similar.)

When asking, the question may concern anything that feels important in that moment. For me, the answer may come as one or more words or as an inner image. There is no sound in the head but the words and images come telepathically, either as written words or scenes. More than often, and to my astonishment, the same message will come again several times over the following days or weeks, by other means. For example, I might be reading a text and the same words that were received within are seen written on the page. Or I might be listening to an audio or watching a video, and the same answer is emphasized by the person speaking. I am amazed by the confirmation every time. It gives me assurance that I should take the message ‘to heart’ and act upon it with trust.

Note: We are the most receptive to an answer when we are most desparate for help. We need to be fully open to whatever is given and eagerly yearning for an answer, not just asking out of curiousity. You could say that your heart must be open and yearning so that the door (to God/Higher Wisdom) will be opened for you.

When we are in despair, it is hard to believe that there will come a new day when “light” appears again.

The Process of Asking

The process of asking is really quite simple. Practically, I will be lying down on my bed, either in the evening at bedtime, in the morning after waking up, or in the daytime when I feel a pressing need to go within for an answer. I begin by closing my eyes and setting an intention to turn inward with an open, curious, and humble mind. I then anchor myself with a simple reminder that “I do not know what do think/feel/do” (depending on what I feel). I then wait patiently for any word or image to arise in my mind. The answers astonish me each time; they are crystal clear in terms of the wordings and meaning for my personal situation. Also, they are perfectly relevant and to the point for my particular question.

When asking, it is important to be open to whatever answers may come. If we hold judgment, disbelief, or any other form of resistance, we will block ourselves from hearing or seeing an answer. At the same time, we need to have some level of discernment in order to rely on the source of the answer and to trust in the message. If the message is coming from your own egoic mind (or personality), it tends to be based either in fear or primarily selfish concerns. In contrast, if the answer is truly coming from a higher source of wisdom, you feel the quality of benevolence in the answer, and you may be surprised by its wisdom and simplicity. A thought like this may come: “Of course, why didn’t I think of that!”. When we are able to intuitively trust in the source, we will know that the message is of the highest good for both ourselves and everyone concerned.

At the same time, we always have free will to decide whether to believe in and act upon the answer, or to ignore it and dismiss it. No matter what their character, we have the opportunity to learn from our choices and actions.

A message: Wait, Believe and Focus

Some time ago, I was faced with a difficult situation and was struggling with a sense of confusion and lack of direction. At one point, I realized that I needed to ask God for guidance, as I couldn’t find the answers within my intellectual mind nor in other people’s advice. The situation was too complex to understand with my intellect, and because I didn’t know how to relate to it emotionally, I couldn’t find any peace inside.

So, I decided to go within. I closed my eyes and formulated my central question as truthfully and concisely as possible. Then, I directed my attention forward as if focusing on a central point in front of me in the blurr scene of my inner vision. I rested in a trust that the question will be heard (by God) and that – if I wait patiently long enough – an answer will emerge. The question was: “How can I relate to this situation?”

Within a few minutes or less, a word arose in my mind: “WAIT” (as “vänta” in Swedish). I gratefully savored the word, including its significance and implications, which came almost instantaneously along with the word. For me, the message meant that I needed to wait for the underlying process to unfold at its own pace, and I needed to have patience and to trust in the natural progression of events (yet playing my part as well as I could).

After some seconds’ pause, I asked again: “Is there anything more?”. I waited in silence and soon another word appeared before my inner vision: “BELIEVE” (as “tro” in Swedish). Ahh, yes, I instantly knew its meaning for me: I needed to believe that Goodness/Love is strongest and will conquer anything, that God is in charge as the Highest Power, and that there is a purpose for everything, which is beyond my present understanding and control.

A third time I asked: “Is there anything more?” Now, an image appeared of a certain person with light and love coming out of his/her body as beaming radiance. The understanding that was given with the image was that I needed to focus on the light (or good and pure) in him/her, through loving eyes. Of course, it made so much sense…

After a moment’s pondering on each answer, I thanked God whole-heartedly for the three-part message. It had given me both calm and direction. Now, I knew how to relate to the situation with greater clarity and peace. By trusting in the message, I was able to shift my mental approach to the situation and adjust my behavior in a more constructive way. I knew that I now would be able to support the situation’s natural unfolding for the highest outcome to all involved.

In this way, I was part of a greater positive process. I was neither powerless, nor a victim, nor fully in charge either. The situation was not about me, but about the evolution of all souls/people involved. My part was simply to wait, believe, and focus on the light/love in the other person. (Fascinatingly, this message was confirmed by external messages as shown in the photos below.) Only a few days after the original message to wait, believe and focus, the importance of waiting was given again in the subway as I looked up from my phone and through the window.

Only a few days after the original message “to wait, believe and focus”, this message was given again inside the subway train; when I looked up from my phone and through the window, I see these words: “Good things come to those who wait”. Some days later, yet another confirmation was given on my way home, again on the subway wall: “Waiting for a miracle”. (See the two photos below)

Today, in hindsight, I can say that the perfect answer was truly given. I had knocked and the door was indeed opened, as if lifting a veil to another dimension where truth and wisdom are ever present. By asking with sincerity, I had been supported in recognizing the most beneficial perspective, attitude, and action to move forward.In the future, I will continue to ask God for guidance whenever I am faced with a difficult situation and feel confused or uncertain.

With a pure intention, an open mind and a humble heart, we can all receive answers to the questions we hold. If we only knock with sincerity and wait with patience, the door will be opened and the message presented clearly. And if we can intuitively discern and trust in the source, we will receive and know our wisest and most loving path forward. Perhaps next time, you may wish to try (if you haven’t already)? If so, would love to hear your experiences. ♡

Warm blessings,

Photo: Message: “Good things come to those who wait”.
Photo: Message: “Waiting for a miracle”. 


Full presence, Identify the gifts, Introspection, Spiritual perspective
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