Ask and it will be given

Perhaps you have heard the words: “Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” The passage is found in the New Testament in Matthew (7:7, NIV). For many people, these words are merely a beautiful text with little or no meaning on a personal level. Yet, during the last years of my own life, this passage has been transformed from a distant possibility to an actual reality. In my interpretation today, I believe the “asking” is not primarily meant to be a wishing for good or better things. Rather, it would refer to “a yearning for a change of mind and heart”.

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Be Still and Know…

For many people, finding time and space for “stillness” can be difficult in modern everyday life. Yet, being still has many highly valuable benefits for our health and wellbeing, as proven by research. When we still ourselves, by sitting or laying down, closing our eyes, and turning our attention inward, we are able to tune into our bodily sensations and become aware of our thoughts and feelings, and ultimately, listen to our inner voice. People who practice meditation, mindfulness, yoga, or similar forms of centering practice on a regular basis are well acquainted with the calming, deeply relaxing and even healing outcomes of being still…

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Can you stay calm inside a lion’s mouth?

Could you remain calm despite having your full head inside a lion’s mouth, while feeling its teeth around your neck, and knowing that you are completely powerless? Could you feel safe while sitting alone in a cave and feeling the full weight of a lion’s body on yours with no means to defend yourself or escape the situation? Yes, for Fred Donaldson, this was in fact possible! Fred shares his remarkable experiences…

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